Wednesday, 14 September 2011

photojournilism part 1

Henri cartier bresson
Born on August 22, 1908 was a french photojournilist also know as the god father of photoournilism.
 He was a serilist symapthiser and a stalker to life. he was always in the right place at the right time and most of the time waiting in areas because he said and i quote "into this space life will come".

The desisve moment

The desisve moment- aslo know as one of the greatest photos of the 20th century. the compotition is perfect. there are many names for this photo, the man jumping  puddel or the man jumping into the unkown or the broken hoop/wheel.

The leica camera
the camera that changed the photographic world forever. with instant photography to capture the world around you within a flash. another great thing about the camera was it was small, compact, portable and quite. you didnt need to set a tripod up and wait eight minutes to take the photo, you just needed to whip it out your pocket and snap! the leica camera was releast in 1925 nine years before the desisve moment was photographed, they were expesive and pretty rare but henri was a rich man and his money went to amazing use and made history.

1 comment:

  1. Fahren this is good. Can your Check where Capa is from? also he was not a soldier but a combat photographer. When you are discussing these photographers it will be important to include some conclusions from your ideas on the type of photography. For example what was the effect of this instant snapshots have on our perception of war or for that matter life/reality?
